Yogi Hari Ashram
Training Courses in Miramar, FL

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Yogi Hari Ashram
read moreConsidering the current state of health in our nation and globe, we are taking extra precautions at Yogi Hari's Ashram to keep everyone safe during our trainings and programs. Our public Yoga classes and Satsangs remain canceled until further notice. We are still holding our monthly Yoga Teacher Trainings, and are offering them both residentially as well as virtually. Attendees of our Yoga Teacher Trainings and all guests to the ashram are asked to follow a strict set of safety measures before attending a training.
About Us
read moreWe are the spirit, Soul or Atman, which is Divinity or fullness itself. The Atman, which is also referred to as the Self, is functioning through the vehicles of body, senses, mind, intellect and ego to experience the world of objects, emotions and thoughts. The Self is pure, complete and full, and does not need to be developed. It is only the vehicles through which it functions that need to be refined, purified and maintained in a balanced state so that the light of the pure Self can shine through in all its Divine splendor.