Virtual Office Advantage
Secretarial Services in Sioux Falls, SD

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About Us
read moreI'm Tiffny Hagan, your Virtual Assistant. I truly have the best of all worlds. My company, Virtual Office Advantage, is a creative blend of using my natural strengths to serve small businesses across the world. I have the awesome opportunity to work with independent business owners to establish their businesses in South Dakota and solve their business organization issues. Since 2003, my family has served as my test subjects as to what works and (and often what doesn't) in balancing family with our home based business.
Registered Agent
read moreRegistered Agents are dedicated agents who receive service of process for your business. Virtual Office Advantage is an approved commercial registered agent by the state of South Dakota. For one annual fee we receive service of process on behalf of your business and work with you to ensure that your Annual Report is filed in a timely manner to keep your business from becoming delinquent in South Dakota. South Dakota law requires every corporation to maintain a registered agent. The registered agent must be an individual who has a physical address in South Dakota.