Talon Test Lab
Medical Laboratory in Indianapolis, IN

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Talon Test Laboratories
read morePenetrant testing can be performed on magnetic and non-magnetic materials, but does not work well on materials that are porous. Penetrants may be ''visible'', meaning they can be seen in ambient light, or fluorescent, requiring the use of a ''black'' light. Talon Test Laboratories offers a comprehensive range of Liquid Penetrant inspections. Fluorescent Penetrants (Type 1) contain a dye or several dyes that fluoresce when exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Visible penetrants contain a red dye that provides high contrast against the white developer background.
Talon Test Laboratories
read moreTalon holds accreditation from NADCAP in Quality and NDT and is an approved FAA Repair Station. These approvals have generated our extensive tier two customer base of several hundred aerospace component producers and suppliers. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) defines the rules governing all aviation activities in the United States; Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) 145 deals with the rules a certified repair station must follow. Companies wishing to become certified repair stations need to follow the rules related to maintenance, preventative maintenance or alterations listed in FAR 145.
Talon Test Laboratories
read moreTalon Test Labs offers expertise in automated Eddy Current inspection using rectilinear and turntable scanning with advanced data acquisition and analysis. In addition, TTL has the most advanced aircraft wheel inspection system available. The eddy current system allows us to acquire data similar to an ultrasonic scan for evaluation. Our unique Eddy Current software allows us to evaluate the signal in multiple views and to accurately locate indication position. Electromagnetic testing is a general test category that includes Eddy Current testing, Alternating Current Field Measurement (ACFM) and Remote Field testing.