Sweet Sisters Driving School
Driving School in Vallejo, CA

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Sweet Sisters Driving School
read moreThe California DMV requires anyone under the age of 17 1/2 to hold a learners permit for at least 6 months prior to taking the behind the wheel driving test to get a driver's license. The DMV also does not allow you to get a learners permit until you are 15 1/2. The California DMV requires you to hold your learners permit for at least 6 months. Therefore, you must prepare for, take, and pass your written test for your learners permit exactly 6 months ahead of time in order to be eligible for a driver's license test on the day that you turn 16.
read moreSweet Sisters in-class driver's education is a DMV approved course that's held over two weekends, both Saturday and Sunday and consists of 30 hours of in-class instruction. We feel one of the benefits of in-class education is having a certified instructor there to cover all the materials necessary and to answer any questions you have along the way. This also provides an opportunity for the students to hear any questions that others might have, and allows them to work together with their peers going through the same process.
read moreOur online course was hand-picked, with a simple sign up process and secure payment options. This course is an online version of our in-class education, and fulfills the same requirements. An online course is a great option for students looking to work at their own pace. Once the student completes the course, we will get email confirmation of the completion, and will either mail you your certificate next business day or have it available for pick-up at our office.