Ross Miller Cleaners & Laundry
Dry Cleaners in Kansas City, MO

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About Us
read moreRoss Miller Cleaners is a 4 generation, family owned business -- the oldest and most experienced dry cleaners in the Kansas City Area. Since 1928, Ross Miller Cleaners has been cleaning, pressing and tailoring clothes in the greater Kansas City area. September 26, 2008 marks Ross Miller Cleaners 80th anniversary in business. Not only has this company been in business longer than most, through all those 80 years, it has been family owned and operated for four generations. Generation after generation, husband and wife have had a hands-on management philosophy, keeping the quality consistent and top notch.
Kansas City's Dry Cleaning Pickup
read moreSave your gas, your money and your time! Ross Miller Dry Cleaning provides FREE pickup and delivery service throughout the Kansas City MO area. Forget the driving in traffic, the parking hassles, weather hassles. Leave the dry cleaning, laundering, and pickup and delivery to us. Our delivery route begins at 9am and ends at 5pm. Just sign up for our delivery service, provide us with credit information to keep securely on file, and we'll provide you with a hook for your door, a garment bag and tags for your clothes.
Dry Cleaning and Laundry Services
read moreRoss Miller Dry Cleaners and Laundry offers several specialty services to make taking care of your valued garments, clothing and other household items more convenient.
Ross Miller Dry Cleaners Employment
read moreWe are always looking for great people. We hire experienced dry cleaning and laundry pressers and friendly, outgoing customer service people and occasionally store managers, sales personnel and drivers. While this form below does not take the place of a traditional printed application, it does provide us the basic information we need to start the application process. Note: To be eligible for employment, you must be willing to submit to random drug screenings and you must be of legal age to work (i.e., be at least 17 years of age or have a work permit).