Queen Of Apostles Elementary & Middle School
Middle School in San Jose, CA

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About Us
read moreWhen asked what they liked about the school, one student's response encompasses the response of the majority that "it's a very great school." There are many things that I love about Queen of Apostles, but mainly I love that the students and teachers are very welcoming and always there to help when needed. I love how the teachers make learning fun and really know how to grasp my attention on a topic and get me to think about it. I also like how our school is very close and how everyone is looking out for anyone in trouble or distress.
read moreMany families have a proud tradition of attending Catholic school and want to share that experience with their children. In today's trying times, many look to Catholic school as a safe environment where their children can get a good education and receive religious instruction in a supportive community. We are determined to work in a partnership with parents to promote a safe environment where children can grow spiritually, emotionally, morally, intellectually, and physically. At this time, Queen of Apostles School is accepting new students for the next school year.
PreSchool Programs
read moreQueen of Apostles Preschool prides itself in educating the whole child through an environment that supports spiritual, intellectual, psychological, and sociological growth. We prepare the children academically, and help them in their overall developmental process. Our preschool students learn through hands on experiences that include various science, math, and sensory activities. Our activities focus on socializing and improving all motor and cognitive skills. Our dedicated, caring and well-qualified staff plans and implements a theme based curriculum emphasizing language, literacy, math, creative art, and Spanish.
Queen of Apostles Preschool
read moreQueen of Apostles follows core curriculum guidelines in reading, writing, science, and math. In addition, Queen of Apostles also meets state and Diocese standards in the areas of religion, social studies, Spanish, art, music, technology, PE and movement and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in the area of science. Differentiated instruction begins in preschool and is provided through the grades especially in math and reading in order to meet the students at their level and help them meet and exceed the requirements each year.
Queen of Apostles Preschool
read moreAs a Catholic school in the Diocese of San Jose, we are proud to offer a quality Catholic education to our students. Religion is taught each day in all classrooms, sacramental preparation is provided for Catholic 2nd graders, and the curriculum follows the Diocesan religion outcomes. Religion is more than an isolated subject, but is also an integral part of the fiber of Queen of Apostles School. Our students, both Catholic and non-Catholic, learn to apply Catholic/Christian principles and to reinforce moral values throughout their years at Queen of Apostles School.