National Traffic Safety Institute
Driving School in Austin, TX

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National Traffic Safety Institute
read moreNational Traffic Safety Institute is the premier provider of a wide-range of Drivers Courses to satisfy court diversion requirements. Our Traffic School is for those with a suspended driver's license, drivers looking for a ticket dismissal course, those who need a DUI course and for any drivers looking for a proactive way to increase their safety when behind the wheel. Founded in 1974, NTSI was among the first Traffic Schools intended for Ticket Dismissal. We are a driving force in traffic safety; it is our mission to make the roads a safer place, one driver at a time.
About Us
read moreD., pioneered the concept of a defensive driving program for citation dismissal. Founded in 1974, the National Traffic Safety Institute (NTSI) was the first program of its kind and remains the largest for-profit company and most innovative provider of collision prevention and driver safety programs in the U.S. We offer easy, effective, and affordable driver safety courses both in classroom and online. Our classroom courses are available primarily on selected Saturday's, with the occasional weeknight class in Vancouver, Washington and Albany, Oregon.
read moreNTSI's Arizona Defensive Driving course has an optional audio read-along built into the course. If you would rather sit back and listen to the course instead of reading, then the Audio Read-Along option is perfect for you. Select the Audio Read-Along checkbox when you're checking out to enable this feature for your course. If you must cancel your Defensive Driving class, you must do so within three days from the date of registration in order to qualify for a full refund. After the third day, you will only receive a partial refund.