Malkin Carpet Cleaning
Dry Cleaners in Gilbert, AZ

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read moreHow to keep the home and the office carpet spotless and smelling well? We know that it is an important part of the indoor environment and influences on our comfort, well-being and health, especially. But there is something more. Recently I have understood pieces of evidence which are very curious for me and sound not only interesting but also really impossible. According to the experts and the experiments they have made, the carpet is like an air filter in the dwellings. Carpeting improves the indoor air quality and has the ability to absorb the airborne dust and allergens, even the particles and pollen, coming from outside.
read moreWe have been providing quality guaranteed carpet cleaning to many clients for many years. Most of the carpet and rugs we clean are pretty straightforward. However, sometimes we have faced difficult stains or hidden damage. All those cases have been resolved through professional carpet washing or spot removing procedures. We have kept notes of the problem and the various solutions we have attempted, as well as the exact solution that did the job to our and the client's satisfaction. Some of these notes, expanded by my thoughts, will go on this page.