Fraser Optical
Optical Store in Sterling Heights, MI

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Fraser Optical
read moreWelcome to Fraser Optical, where excellent eye care service and patient satisfaction is our business! We're celebrating 53 years serving the Metro Detroit and Oscoda areas. We were founded in 1964 and are a family-owned business. Fraser Optical opened in the spring of 1964 at the intersection of 13 Mile and Groesbeck. Fraser Optical moved what would ultimately become the main office to 14 Mile and Groesbeck, which is where it still resides today. The business remains 100% family owned, and grew from a single location to six locations around Metro Detroit.
Eye Examinations
read moreYour eye exam consists of an external examination, followed by specific tests for visual acuity, pupil function, extraocular muscle motility, visual fields, intraocular pressure and ophthalmoscopy through a dilated pupil.