Fox Valley Coins
Antique Dealers in Naperville, IL

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Fox Valley Coins
read moreYou are now able to fully browse our online inventory! Or browse our store by entering the product your looking for in the search bar above. We also have much more product in the physical store. If there is anything you are searching for that does not appear in our online store, feel free to email us or call about it so we can help you out. Thank you for your patience while we continue to upload products to the online store. As a major bullion dealer, Fox Valley Coins is deemed a financial institution and therefore will be providing financial bullion transactions.
Coin Dealers
read moreFox Valley Coins is a major supplier of collector coins and currency to other retailers and promoters. Fox Valley Coins can source and supply your needs. We provide millions of coins each year from very inexpensive bulk lots to elusive one of a kind treasures. As always, we will continue to purchase most anything, but as most of you know, we have our want list that we are hot after and will pay crazy money to fulfill. If you regularly have large amounts of quality coins and currency; and have a tax id number, we gladly set you up with our current Buy Lists.
read moreFox Valley Coins Inc. purchases a number of items. We specialize in Precious Metals (Gold & Silver), U.S. Coins, Rare Currencies, Foreign Coins, Coin Collections, Commemorative Mints, Scrap Gold Jewelry, Sterling silverware and more! If you have a large quality collection and do not feel comfortable transporting. We can come to you. Please call us at 630-305-0100 or email us at