EJ Mandziuk & Son Funeral
Funeral Services in Warren, MI

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EJ Mandziuk & Son Funeral
read moreDuring these uncertain and unprecedented times, we continue to follow all universal safety procedures and guidelines when caring for our families and their loved ones. In consideration of the state mandate we are limiting the amount of people in our building. We ask all guests to adhere to the CDC recommendations, by wearing a mask, when deciding to attend a funeral visitation or service. Remember you can always leave a message for a family in the obituary section of our website. We ask at this time that you please respect social distancing by calling the funeral home to discuss arrangements.
What We Do
read moreIt's important to take the time to acknowledge the uniqueness of the deceased: the individuality of their personality, and the uniqueness of their life's path. Not just for them, but for you; it affirms the relationship, and leads to healing after loss. Honoring their life is truly an act of love - for the both of you. Taking the time to design your service is a loving act, and not a difficult one. We invite you to explore the seemingly infinite number of ways to celebrate and honor a life. It's often seen as easier not to have a memorial service or funeral, and it's certainly seen as a less expensive alternative.
Funeral Services
read moreIn the depth of early grief, you might think that it would be 'easier' to just take care of things as simply - and as quickly -as possible. But easier - especially in this circumstance - simply isn't better. You must set the stage for the future by giving your family and friends the opportunity to start the healing process. Gathering with friends and family gives everyone the opportunity to share memories, express emotions, and find comforting support. Whether you choose burial or cremation; whether you select a formal funeral or a more relaxed memorial service, the need for acknowledgment of the loss with family and friends is ever present.
Funeral Etiquette
read moreIt's important to know what religious, ethnic or personal considerations you need to take into account. And it's also important to be respectful of the emotions of close family members. Sometimes we are at a loss for words when encountering something as final as death. Simply saying "I'm sorry for your loss" is usually enough. Be respectful and listen attentively when spoken to, and offer your own words of condolence. These days almost anything goes, but only when you know it's the right thing.
Plan Ahead
read moreThere's a lot to consider when beginning the pre-planning process. Our checklist will give you the satisfaction of checking off each of the related tasks, knowing you're getting closer to the goal of completing your pre-need plan. We've developed a powerful online pre-planning tool.
Grief & Healing
read moreI bring both personal and professional experience with death and grieving to every counseling situation, which includes the creation of this set of grief counseling resources. I know them to be the best available online today. Whether your loss has been sudden or expected, I'll help you learn to cope with the depth of emotions and experiences that are part of healthy grieving. These interactive videos explore the dimensions of grief, as well as the dynamic cycle of experience. There's never been anything like this online before.