Community Outreach Ministries
Religious Organization in San Jose, CA

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Community Outreach Ministries
read moreServing more than just Sunday worship, we offer education, growth and fellowship opportunities that focus on God's Word and learning to live in His love-also we can realize a deeper service to and connection with His larger family. God's healing hand on Don Adam who had minor surgery for spinal stenosis and for Gail who is in rehab recovering from surgery. We lift up Art Bye who is having many medical problems; skin radiation, heart problems, fluid in his lungs and prostrate problems. Some of our church family might remember Dorothy Klein, who for years was a faithful member of FILC and served in various ways.
First Immanuel Lutheran Church
read moreWe believe that He has made Himself and His will known to us in the pages of the Bible. And, since we also believe that God is the principal author of the Bible, we believe that the Bible is trustworthy and accurate and is to be used to determine all matters of faith and Christian living. In the Bible we learn that God has created and preserves all things. We are taught, and we believe and teach, that our first parents were special creations of God, and that, as special creations of God, they enjoyed a special relationship with Him, a relationship which they broke through their own personal decision.