California Driving School
Driving School in Los Angeles, CA

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California drivers education
read moreThis student was crippled with arthritis, could not use the public transportation system, and needed to learn to drive. We enjoyed teaching her and when she received her driver's license her life was changed forever. The "physically challenged" have special problems learning to drive. Some do not have use of their arms; some their legsl some are verytiny and cannot reach the gas and break pedals; others cannot walk and are confined to a wheel chair. In fact, the California Department of Rehabilitation gave special recognition to the California Driving School because of our outstanding record in Los Angeles, in helping over 1,000 physically challenged students become gainfully employed through obtaining their driver's license at our school.
California drivers education
read moreWelcome to one of the finest Home Study Correspondence Driver Education Courses in the nation. We are proud of this course as it is based on knowledge gained in teaching well over a half a million people for the past 52 years-many of them teenagers. The full cost for this excellent comprehensive course is only $85.00, and that includes two textbooks, which are yours to keep, a great addition to your library. The first book, "License to Drive" is the most complete comprehensive driver-training textbook on the market today.
California drivers education
read moreWe have an excellent Driver Education program. All of our classes exceed State requirements and involve the student participating. Many high schools, especially public high schools, the only requirement for passing is attendance. Not so with us! We want to make sure to the teen student understands the law, understands their responsibilities in driving, understands some basic mechanics, and understands defensive driving techniques. The knowledge is given in an easy, palatable manner, and for each topic, tests are given which the student must pass.