C Allan Banforth Jr
Surveyor in Norfolk, VA

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About Us
read moreAllan Bamforth provides guidance and oversight to all firm members and their projects. In addition, he oversees quality control on engineering and surveying operations for Bamforth clients. His knowledge of applicable standards and his ability to visualize conflicts and potential constructibility issues helps to ensure better quality end products. Mr. Bamforth has overseen projects across the United States, Europe, the Caribbean and the Middle East. He is also a former United States Marine. In 2014, he was inducted into the Hardy Cross Hall of Fame by the Old Dominion University Civil and Environmental Visiting Council (ODU CEEVC).
read moreFor many years, Bamforth engineers have worked with numerous professionals and contractors throughout the region - preparing D/B RFP solicitation documents or working with a Contractor to respond to an RFP. During that time, we have developed a mutual respect for other professionals and contractors. Those associations nurture the collaborative Design / Build environment to produce quality built facilities that meet the needs of the owner/client.
read moreAs a society, we are all charged with the responsibility of the preservation, and to the degree possible, improvement of our environment. As a firm, we produce designs that fulfill the needs of our clients, meet the regulatory Sediment and Erosion Control measures and adhere to the Low Impact Development (LID) guidelines, Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA), or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating requirements. Bamforth has participated in numerous gold and silver LEED project designs.
Site Development
read moreOur site development projects include a wide variety, such as the site layouts, surveys and civil designs of an exclusive 14-lot waterfront subdivision; the Union Mission Ministries campus in Norfolk that serves the homeless community; the small community church in Virginia Beach; and the 56-acre Veterans Administration Hospital in Orlando.
DoD Airfield Pavements
read moreWhether the airfield is in Virginia, North Carolina or overseas, our nation's security and military readiness depends on the quality and availability of the military airfields. Bamforth's experienced staff of engineers and surveyors are providing reliable DoD airfield pavement improvement designs that help keep our nation's aircraft ready to serve.
read moreAs our communities and infrastructure are further developed and re-developed, Bamforth believes that it is critically important to continually consider the preservation of our natural resources and habitats. Achieving familiarity, professional experience and expertise with enhanced local, state and federal regulations and ever-changing products and permitting procedures requires our constant, willful and intentional effort. Towards that end, Bamforth mixes creative solutions, married with sound science and time proven methods to improve water quality and runoff reduction that meets or exceeds regulatory requirements within budgets.
read moreIt is heart-warming to watch the smiles of young student athletes as they set foot on a brand new NCAA compliant athletic field. Bamforth takes great pride in providing the designs that convert old, worn-out, patchy grass athletic fields into safe, state-of-the-art athletic facilities and complexes. Our designs include fields for baseball, field hockey, football, lacrosse, soccer, softball and track.
read moreLike a skilled carpenter needing quality tools to produce a quality product, the professional seeks out the best technologies to augment their work products. Bamforth primarily utilizes Leica surveying equipment, including robotic Total Stations with SurvCE software. We collect survey-grade GIS data using the Leica ZENO and the latest version of ArcGIS. Our technicians produce drawings using the latest version of AutoCAD Civil 3D to model existing and proposed surfaces and utilities; these are coordinated with BIM/RVIT.