All-American Eyeglass Repair
Optical Store in Hayward, CA

Contact Details
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All-American Eyeglass Repair
read moreOver 3000 optical shops and laboratories sent repairs to us last year, trusting our company to service their customer. Those high standards are a compliment to our 33 year commitment to provide the best repair and customer service in the industry. We opened our first store in 1987 and now have 16 service centers in 6 different states. We are a family business that knows the importance of customer service and attention to detail. You can bring your broken frames to one of our repair specialists at any of our 16 locations or visit our "Mail-In" page to learn how to have your glasses sent in for ultra fast mail-in repairs.
About Us
read moreShipping Delays: During the holiday season there may be a slight delay in shipping. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we expect shipping to go back to normal in the beginning of the new year. All American Eyeglass Repair will call you and arrange payment prior to returning the glasses. Even titanium frames that require multiple welds can be repaired. We usually have frames go out the same day they arrive. If you supply an e-mail address, we will send you the UPS or USPS tracking number to confirm shipment.