Aalbers & Associates
Surveyor in Oxnard, CA

Aalbers & Associates has an extensive background with employment in County agencies, the private Land Development industry, and as a private professional land surveyor operating in throughout Southern California.
Over 30 Years of Professional Management Experience Including:
- Strategic Planning & Budgeting
- Site Planning & Analysis
- Land Surveying
- Contract Negotiations
- Project Management
- Subcontractor Supervision
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Products & Services
Our Services

Aalbers & Associates has extensive experience providing the following services.
Record of Surveys - In accordance with the Land Surveyors Act
Parcel Maps
Tract Maps - In accordance with the Subdivision Map Act
Lot line Adjustments - in cities or counties
Certificates of Compliance
Boundary Surveys - Large acreage, small lots, commercial properties
Topographic Surveys - Aerial control provided for mapping firms
ALTA Surveys - Latest standards
Construction Surveying / Project Layout - No job too small
GPS Equipped Survey Crews
Boundary Analysis - Deed research for senior rights
Expert Witness Research or Testimony
Legal Descriptions - Easements, rights of way, lot line adjustments
FEMA Elevation Certificates - Anywhere in California
Annexation Plats and Legal Descriptions - Work closely with LAFCO agencies