1-800-DRYCARPET Carpet Cleaning
Dry Cleaners in Santa Ana, CA

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1-800-DRYCARPET Carpet Cleaning
read more1-800 DRYCARPET: Organic before it was "a thing". Originally, we wanted to kill the phenomena of "returning spots", rapid resoiling and wet musty odor. DRY ORGANIC™: We are one of four in the world that manufactures and uses a dry, absobrbent, physical-granular-product to clean carpet.
About Us
read moreMEANT TO BE READ: Our genuine dry carpet cleaning product was developed by world renowned chemist Dr. Don C. Atkins. Our tests and refinements lasted 5 years and were generously proportioned within the Southern California area. Swedry Carpet Cleaner is environmentally safe (ORGANIC) and is manufactured in Los Angeles, California under the direction of Dr. Don Atkins and 1-800 DRYCARPET Systems, Inc. Dr. Don C. Atkins is Internationally recognized as an authority in the field of surface and colloid chemistry.
read moreMany people spend as much as 90% of their time indoors, and indoor levels of many pollutants can be two to five times higher than outdoor levels. The Environmental Protection Agency has identified indoor air pollution as one of the top five urgent environmental risks to the public. Exposure to indoor air pollutants such as smoke, dust, pet dander, molds, and other pollutants can pose health risks and contribute to respiratory disease, allergies and asthma. In some cases DAM (dry absorbent media) carpet cleaning may offer health benefits to those who suffer from allergies and asthma.
Remove Pet Odor with BAD DOG
read moreCall 1-800-379-2277 and our courteous team will be happy to answer any questions you might have. Turn out all lights in the room; use the black-light to pinpoint soiled areas and lightly outline the areas with chalk. Make appropriate "bathroom" area attractive (reinforcement, the use of litter box or the use of a doggie door). Teach your dog or cat the proper place to go potty by using positive reinforcement. If you fail to completely clean effected areas, your potty training efforts will be useless.
How to remove stains
read moreIf you're in a tight spot you may have something in your home right now that can keep a carpet spill from becoming a permanent eyesore. Test your cleaning product. Perform this simple test to determine the safety of your cleaning product and your carpet-fiber color pigment surety. Carpet spot removal ►For spot removal we recommend using a dry carpet cleaning product and a vacuum cleaner. If you do not have a dry carpet cleaning product: Upon successful removal of a spot or stain it is recommended that you thoroughly dry the area with a clean WHITE terrycloth towel.